Evaluation of the 11 second project.
In 2D animation using for the first time the software of "toon boom animate pro". It is similar to Flash and not at all similar. There are different concepts to using the software for 2d animation. One: its more advanced, two: more buttons and three:try it out for yourself ^^
I began drawing all the initial sketches (previous blog entires) in october. I really began looking into the character design when there was the october entry which was a bout some form of predator. My character began froma creepy skiny guy to a short cyclops. Main interest in this; CARTOONS
I love the new cartoons of cartoon network, Flapjack, Chowder and Adventure Time. They have something particularly interasting, the extreme close up appearances of characters. The bizarre moments whithin the cartoons. The animation really and that is what i want to do for my future.
For the first week of the November i worked on the Dope Sheet to better understand the sounds and accurate areas of where the sound would be in the frame(s) for when i would be doing the lip sync.
Next was learning how to use animate pro, by watching the basics on vedio tutorials. One has the press the Alt button wnd then another button to use the hotkeys for the software.
Unfortunately I put too much of my time in the post production character design when I should have been making an animatic. Instead I concentrated all my time on just drawing frame by frame of the actual anuimation.
This animation or project is fun, if I had not have to have another project given to me at the same time which slightly complicated my timetable BUT nontheless I am a work orientated person. The fun part is listening to the sound, which has a lot of anger from the 1st character and worry from the 2nd character. Exaggerated sketches were the thumbnails so I knew where from my dope sheet where to draw the main actions and then the "in-betweeners". I admit I got a bit of the timing at the beggining wrong (thank you Derek).
I added a close up exaggeration in the middle because thats my touch and I like seeign those comical yet frightening scenes in the show. Why do they never put those in live actions? American cartoons of the furture, you think they are destined for children but they have a dark, funny side to it that we adults....or teenagers find amusing (or is it just me and my twin bro).