Friday, 29 November 2013

Melody Backgrounds

Now that "Melody" is officially on CBBC, I can show a few bits of what my role was in two episodes of the animation part.

As I must of explained in a previous blog, I have been concentrating on the backgrounds for three months, working for KING BEE ANIMATION STUDIOS.

 First three are from the shoe-maker episode

The last images are from the snowman episode.

These are only previews as I wish not to risk revealing all but note that these now officially belong to KING BEE ANIMATION

Friday, 25 October 2013

Monsters are Coming!

Howdy folks! Remember my cute Monster art? Well the client wants to take it to the next stage for his mobile game:
Here is an example of the screen image for this monster game. Starts off being cute (left) then turns monstrous (right). There will be a total of eight monsters. The game is to compete with other monsters and to terrify them first so roars and screams are being looked at right now.

Here below are the eight monsters:

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Shell and Paddy is being advertised on kickstarters. Please back this project if your up to it :)

Monday, 16 September 2013

Background artwork for King Bee Animation

For a while now, since from July, August and September, I have been working for King Bee Animation, firstly on a flash project (classified for the moment) and on some background artwork for a project called Melody.

What I can say so far is that I have been doing two separate scenes for this project, one being in a snowy clearing and one in a shoe workshop.

In respect to King Bee, these are NOT the final backgrounds but are different backgrounds roughs, edits and stages. Most of them have changed or evolved during the course of the weeks.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Here is some background artwork designed for a freelance job for King Bee Animation Studios. Everything here belongs to them, please do not download anything as their logo is present.


Movie Stills for the next Shell & Paddy

 Please be patient for this next upcoming cartoon episode