Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Vermin Drawings

Thursday, 10 December 2009
Evolution and Communication
(If you wish to see more drawings of what could be in the future please visit my Deviant Art website and look at the following gallery only: Arta & Skelk)
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Evolution: Practice Sketches

The cell form is the first basic life form. We all start small and in the sea which evolves a tail. One extraordinary mark of evolution are the eyes.
The fish stage is when we have grown a tail and with sufficient strength, fins and a mouth in order to eat. It has been proven through fossils that the first life forms came from the sea and so our ancestors have spent a long time evolving their shape to adapt in the sea.
The next stage is when we move onto land. For the first time we grow limbs. Our fins become strong enough to shape into legs. We loose our capacity to swim and gills but we develop lungs to breath onto land and absorb more oxygen.
Once we are on land, our legs evolve. Large or longer. Our bones, muscle and tissues evolve as well allowing us to run away from predators, chase after prey and walk.

Through time again, the creature looses its tail and starts to evolve arms. These limbs are used to grasp or pick up morsels of food. Arms and hands are another mark of evolution because through time again but longer, our brains begin to understand what else could these limbs be for.
The Ape stage is when our creature has evolved a long way through time and is at a stage of walking on four legs but the arms are much longer and the spine is bent forward. Those claws can grasp fruit or larger pieces of meat.

The next project I will make a 2D animation walk cycle of this creature's evolution.
Friday, 27 November 2009
I prefer doing my animations 2D because of my love for drawing. Also because it seems easier. I did the first walk with 6 frames per leg movement, so it looked like a fast walk. Here I was looking at time again.
this one is a normal walk, I added 2 frames for each leg movement making it 8 frames for each leg.
For a Pixilation practice, I made a three finger hand out of card as a cut out animation. Unfortunately, the camera was a bit unstable and the fingers were too fiddly so movement was a bit complicated but it gave me a general idea of what to use in the future.
What I could do is use the hand to interact with another character or the hand could be the close-up of something else. I designed the hand to resemble a robotic hand. I thought having three fingers would give it a mysterius and creepy atmosphere.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
The Art of Walking
The art of making your animation or character move is a good experience. A simple animation test of a walking cycle is a start. But it basically starts from one's own walk in real life. I have learned that when one leg lifts off the ground, my height increases and my hips raise as well. Before I looked at the photographed waling cycle's of Eadweard J. Muybridge (April 9, 1830 to May 8, 1904). He was a photographer and is known for his capture of animals and people in motion and has able to project them through a "zoopraxiscope" device allowing us to see the walk cycle as an animation frame by frame.
One has to see how he will walk to see the animation. The shoulders move up and down and sometimes our body could move from side to side. I even learned the difference between some walks from women and that of men. My 2D and 3D teachers appointed the assignment to make a walk cycle animation. I started with the 2D:
According to Andy Wyatt, my Head course teacher, it takes 6 frames for one leg to start from an "Extended" point to a "Passing" and finally back to "Extended" and so forth thus making a total of 12 frames. But then this is not a walk I would make unless i was in a hurry for a lesson...then again I would run instead. I then thought of making it 8 frames per leg but instead I ended up making 10 frames foe each leg thus 20 slides in total for the two legs to "Pass" and extend. In the end, this turned out to be a nice, simple and calm walk: a walk similar to my own. I might have missed on frame somewhere where one leg moves down or looks a bit stiff but passing those errors, one can see a nice walk.
The next was using the 3D software of Maya:
This is "Burt", a robotic ball with legs added on. Once again I had no need to use a frame by frame technique but I did had to correct the leg movements, placing one leg in a position, "key selected" it and repeat the same step on another frame while relying on the computer to do the rest. Making him walk is fun but his feet seem quite heavy and rather large. At least this a test to make an animated character walk for other future projects in mind. What is useful, I now know that I could make a sculpture and the computer would scan it onto Maya, allowing me to animate that particular character. Imagine making statues coming to life.
I also began drawing walking cycles of my own characters from my "ARTA" idea. Here we had a 2D walking Cycle of OOD and NOG. Ood seems to have a walk similar to that of humans, despite that his legs and feet are completely different. He moves his arms back and form and his ears flop up and down when he moves.

Nog on the other hand has a very strange walk. He lets his hands dangle at his sides, almost trailing them on the floor. To imagine his walk, you need to have your legs spread outwards almost revealing your private area. Nog's back legs move up and down and forwards like an half insect-man. His head bobs up and down when he moves forward.

Friday, 6 November 2009
Pixilation Practice
In my time in the animation studio, I have started practicing "Parer-Cut" animation. From the recent Pixilation clips by Derek Hayes, I had begun my own clips. First I just wanted to try out some tests. As I am an insect lover I look

As i am a Arthropod fan, I wanted to animate a sea scorpion doing something comical. At the same time, this test is one step ahead to what could be the opening credits and end credits of my paper-cut animation. What is different about this...SOUND. I took each picture "frame-by-frame" technique and posted the frames on the software "stop-motion pro". Then I uploaded the clip on a software called "Adobe Premiere Pro CS4". This allowed me to edit and cut my clips as well as import audio sounds to make the animation work.
This one, I used more cut-out puppets into the animation, although using the same background. The main plot is the sea life of the Silurian Sea where small prey have to avoid large predators and survive the conditions of the sea. Trilobites avoid the large Orthocone but one eventually gets ensnared by the claws of a Sea Scorpion who waits and ambushes. (link for images: http://dinorider.blogspot.com/2007/11/monstruos-marinos-2003-parte-1-los-7.html)

Derek Hayes also showed the class a cartoon from the Monty Python series. I enjoy watching Monty Python over and over again, whether the jokes may be simple or confusing. I tried a paper-cut animation with the same style when they use photographs of people and animate them in a funny and rude way. For this animation, I used the help of a student Brain Williams to record my own voice. I am very pleased with the result which is also a test for voice acting.
I seem to have a style of cutting out photographs but in future I will draw my own cut-out puppets.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
More cubie animation practice
The next assignment was to animate the "cubie" character. At the same time we had to add another character to interact with the cubie. The 2D has a small cubie jumping up to the big one only to see that he is not welcome. The 3D from the software "Maya" has the cube jump on a sphere the moment it enters the scene.
Here are some practice drawings of the movements and actions of the cube characters. From these drawings I can fully understand the character's emotion, exaggeration, line of action and body language. It also shows the anticipation of the characters from the way they react to each eacher similar to the Pxar Lamps animation. The 2D animation took exactly 51 frames. Despite the fact it is just a cube with no arms I am animation, I am still fascinated by the animation course and what it is teaching me. I probably still need to practice with the timing for the 2d cubie jumping.
Monday, 26 October 2009
I practiced with my pencil case through the software of "stop-motion pro". Here it involve the pencil case spitting out its contents and then sucking them back in if necessary. The second one involve the objects fighting each other and then a cardboard arm appears and attempts to impress us. This is but a test to see what else I can use for this particular animation skill.
We also watched several examples of Pixilation and one of them has a particular interest because of the technique. During one session, the course tutor presented us with a "Cut-out animation" of "Binky and Boo"by Derek Hayes in which it involves an old musical comedian looking back at his memories of himself and his old partner. Its the actual method of which I am interested in. See website link below:
Friday, 23 October 2009
Life Drawing
I have done life drawing before two previous art and design courses, one from the International School of Geneva in Switzerland, the other during a foundation course in Poole. As described to me, life drawing is essential to all forms of art including animation so that the "character design" can get the right format or body movements and poses. The life drawings were done from different angles.
The one at the top is crouched onto a chair and the media is in soft pencil while the other is sitting and drawn in green ink pen.
These two images are drawings of students but with animal heads instead. The sketch-book assignment was that I had to enter a group and draw students through observational drawing.
Media: Charcoal and soft pencil. The animal heads were found on the web and printed them out.
Insect/Arthropod Faces

I really like District 9, not for the human aspect of the story but of the insect-like aliens that struggle to live in a planet who judge everything by appearance. If such aliens would come on our world and would not harm us, I would accept them. Maybe the film is preparing us for such future events that could happen. Who knows...

The drawings are aliens similar to that of the prawns from the film. I really enjoy drawing insects. I cannot give more reasons but I plan to use such concepts for future animation projects. Currently, most of my insect related drawings go back to my "ARTA" drawings (see previous blog posts). As District 9 is a live action film, it is in my very interest to see my own drawings in such an animation.

To the left are some woodlouse drawings from the first 2d assignment, in which I have drawn them to appear sapient or human like. In the middle is an attempt to draw the face of a Mantis Shrimp.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Ball Animation and Nog character test

Wednesday, 14 October 2009
The Drawing Continues