Sunday, 10 August 2014

Some random digital art work for this year

I have not put up a lot of artwork or updates on my blog. I am mostly occupied with my work but fortunately I was not lazy enough to do these bits and put them on my blog. Voila!

Graffiti Art. My first tryout, using some surreal slug thingy

Smokey Dragon 1
 Smokey Dragon 2, purple

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Shell & Paddy - AOFA Spring Showcase

Hello everyone. Since I am working for King Bee Studios, not much of "Shell & Paddy" has popped up. Though now, the film is been shown at the AOFA Spring Showcase: Click Here!!!!!

or copy the link from here: you prefer.

Here are some of the movie stills:

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Sandwich People

INTRO: Began working on a small project of minimal priority. Called the Sandwich Gang, about four sandwiches living in a Kitchen. Just have to redesign them in Flash really. These are the templates at the bottom

DESIGN: Began drawing the first drafts till I got a complete version.

DESIGN, STYLE: Got a definitive style and final look of the characters though still working on the backgrounds.


TEST: Here is a little animation test

Friday, 7 March 2014

Candy Crush Madness

New, short, small animation that I made :D