Friday, 28 June 2013

Recent Events

 Hello all,
It has been a while that I have put up anything on my blog, but that is because I am extremely occupied with various multi-tasking. First here is my Showreel, the new one at last so now you can watch the latest things. I am still doing my masters course and sending my showreel and cv to various studios looking for a job. DARN ITS HARD!
On the brighter side, I am still doing animation tests for KING BEE ANIMATION in the meantime.
Been also watching PLANET OF THE APES film series (nothing relevant) and discussing a few things with my tutor PAUL HILTON from the animation course.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Please Vote for Shell & Paddy

If anyone is looking at this post right now on my blog, then please vote my project to pitch at party pitch 2013 on this link:

Please cast your vote onto Shell & Paddy

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Insectoid Observational Art

While doing an observational drawing of myself without looking at me in the mirror, I managed to come up with a bizarre shape. The next thing I know, I was drawing the outlines of a semi-bug alien and after painting it in water colour, turns out it looks more similar to the "prawns" from District 9. I like the aliens in that film. We need more films where there is both human and alien characters working together but I guess that can only happen in series or cartoons.