The Animated Project "Shell & Paddy" has come to a close. We are finally finished the animating. My team members: Joseph, Patrick, George and Lucy have helped me with the final efforts of the film.
Patrick has been our colour artist, working at a pace even I am amazed at. He colours the files really fast.
Joseph has been the main editor during the final moments, rendering the tiff files and putting them onto Adobe premier and burning it onto a CD. It was a Saturday worth spending at his house in Newquay printing off the DVD and cover labels.
Lucy made an effort in putting together the sound effects, organising them and George Tymvios helped put the credits together.
So we say fair well for now. Shell and Paddy will return as I intend on actually making a series out of it. Another story board has already been drawn up, needs the animatic settings.
Thank you Toon Boom Harmony and to the tutors of my animation course here at Falmouth