Here are some images edited on photoshop to give the fly image an x-ray vision or scan for the sequence "Fornation" group project. This is an idea where we will see the virus developing into the Fly's body, a scientific look.
One of the group members has made small adjustments to one of the images of a facebook group. What can be concluded is that me and Tom (another one) are responsible for the drawing skills of the animation, until we have the story board and animatic presented, there can be no 2d animation, placed on flash that we can do for the moment. We may have been put at the last minute, most of us were away, had some excuse for not being during a lecture and I was stuck because of a volcano. And yet, we are managing. We may not have a leader but I dont think we need one to carry this group project out. Brian has confidence and does not seem to worry at all. Christian, I am sure he has some excellent background ideas.
I may have used one or two filter effects but the drawing was in pencil first, painted digitally, edited througha layer then a fulter was added.